Trying to find and create me

Trying to find and create me

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Believe in Yourself~ What a Concept!!

I find it easier to tell someone else that I believe in them then telling myself.  It really is.  In my heart, all I want is the best for that person.  To give them all my love and encouragement.  To support them and let them know anything is possible as long as you believe.  So now I just went in a big circle and look where it lead me.  Back to me.  So, it is easier for me to express it to others yet I don't give it to ME.

I am a person who loves to read about words of positivity, encouragement, inspiration and love.  It is a big thing of me.  I feel it gives me strength.  It may change my thought process for the day. May change my mood for the best.  I see a lot of messages that talk about believing in yourself.  For it is the only way to be, to live, to do.  It is the very essence of finding oneself, discovering, creating and learning. 

So if anyone ever needs someone to cheer them on,I am your girl!! I am  fantastic cheerleader! I just have to learn to be my own.  I would imagine that a lot of us have our moments where we may second guess ourselves. When we find that it is easier at that moment to put aside something that requires us to be right there at the front of the line.  I know I have done it many times.  My own insecurities and lack of belief in myself.  It's a "scaredy cat" way to be.  You kind of hope it'll disappear and you won't have to deal with it at all.   But as we all know somehow things always find a way to creep back up just to bite us in the ass.  So ignoring and hoping it'll magically rid itself is an ignorant way to be.

With all this being said, I have allowed myself to be vulnerable to all of you reading this.  I can't be the only one who feels like this.  That's why I am putting myself out there. Not being afraid to admit the truths of our faults is a definite sign of our strength.  I am a real tough cookie then!! I got a lot more where this came from.  Putting it all down and letting it out is a great way to purge this from my mind and my beliefs or disbelief's. 

Is there a moral to my story?  Well I guess there is.  Believing in yourself is the foundation for all that you are and all that you are capable of becoming. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Okay, so here's the thing. If at one time you feel in your heart of hearts that you finally had this amazing realization that you have found love for yourself, why is it that sometimes you feel it went lost.  Those moments where you may second guess yourself and not have that feeling of self love.  Whether it be evident by your thoughts or by your actions or lack thereof.

I only bring this topic to the forefront because at times I do feel this way. I am sure we all do at times.  It makes me wonder why we do what we do.  What triggers those negative thoughts, uncertainties about self.  Why we let them in.  I wish I had a sure fire way to keep them out forever.  I know it takes a lot of hard work, a complete mindset and attitude to promise yourself that it will be nonexistent within you.

A friend had recently told me that I needed to find that switch deep inside of me, that point at which I realize  to flip that switch I can turn off any thoughts, beliefs, idea of allowing negativity to become part of me.  I want to be able to find it and shut it off so desperately.  I want to rid myself of these toxins for which I allow to bring me down.

I feel it is so important to surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you.  Those who see you as a bright light shining, those who have the same belief system in spirituality, in love, in kindness and friendship.  It can be such a warm and welcoming place.  To be embraced by those who see you as an inspiration and in turn to be inspired by them.  It is all about making a difference.  I believe that in order to give your love to others, you must have self love.  It has to exist within me. 

I find myself wanting to make an impact in others lives.  I want those to think of me and know I love them with all my heart and soul.  It is what I am and it is what I have always been.  Spreading that love to others just fills my heart.  It is doing God's work.  God loves us all unconditionally.  It is he deep within us, sharing that love with others.

Sharing these thoughts of Self Love has made me understand that it most certainly exists within all of us even though some of us may have self doubt.  It is a matter of knowing that we are all worthy of being and feeling our absolute best, the happiest and healthiest we can be.  We are all beautiful, unique and special in our own way and we must know this and remind ourselves each and everyday.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Shedding my skin

I had this thought in my head today about what the title of my next blog would be.  The first thing that came to mind was this feeling of wanting to shed my skin.  The idea of peeling off the outer layer of skin that you see when you look in the mirror.  Of what everyone sees when they look at you.  Knowing full aware that you are so desperately needing to break out of that cocoon you have been in for so long, way too long.

That is exactly how I am feeling.  I have been dressed in this way for a ridiculous amount of years and long to find my true self.  That person who knows she can stand on her own two feet and know that feeling of independence, freedom and confidence that she has so longed for. 

I have hidden myself from myself and the world since as long as I can remember.  Never truly feeling comfortable with this body.  Never feeling I was worth all that life had to offer. Never allowing myself to truly feel anything.  I had always been the type that if everyone around me was okay, then I was okay.  I would just muddle along.  I made sure that if everyone was happy then I was as well.  Even though I really wasn't.  But I would put myself on the back burner.  After many years of doing this, it has taken it's toll on me.

I have this visual that I am waking out of bed, standing up and "unzipping" this outer layer.  Finally saying and realizing I must now start to begin my life.  The life I really and truly want to live. Stepping out of the OLD ME and exposing myself to this world, this new mindset.  I can only imagine this extremely bright light that illuminates my whole bedroom and penetrates through the blinds on my window.  Whereby, someone on the outside can see the massive ray of light shooting right up to the sky.

I can only explain the "Shedding my skin" as a new beginning for me.  Peeling the outer layers that I have let continue to mount on top of me for many years.  A release of my past.  A metamorphosis, a change like no other.  A magical experience that in some ways has always been within me but I never found the inner strength, self confidence and love for myself that I am feeling now.  I have my moments believe me.  Where those "strengths" are not prominent in my mind and heart. But I know deep down that for me anything is possible.   It's a matter of creating the life I love and enjoy living each day.  It is being able to find the beauty in everything and in everyone. Especially myself.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Are we able to create our future? **OR** Do you want to know your future and what lies ahead?

Are we able to create our future in such a way that we will be able to have things already planned out?  If we start creating and imagining these thoughts in our head that we know can guide us in the direction we want to go, is it possible?  As that saying goes " Who knows what the future holds", it makes me wonder if there is a way to gain that control so we know what can exist for us.

In this day, we all try to plan for our future in such a way that we start or already have been for a while, putting away money.  Making some investments that are long term so we can only hope they pay out for us in the end.  The end meaning at that time of retirement.  That time of actually being able to enjoy life.  No schedules to follow, no alarms ringing at 5:20 every morning and no deadlines to meet.  Ahhhh, sounds like heaven to me.  I am sure for you as well.

As I get older I am telling myself to start putting some money away from each paycheck.  Stop buying the unnecessary items that I really don't need.  Start saving for my son's future.  College fund, car fund, and whatever else he made need.  It is so hard to regimented to the fact that before I know it my son will be 18, graduating from High School and then what.  Of course, my main goal for him is to want to strive and be the best he can be.  Go to College and get those degrees for which he knows he can achieve.

I have mixed emotions about either wanting to know and being able to create my future and the unknown.  Putting it all in God's Hands.  I think it's less stressful to not know what lies ahead and just taking it all in one day at a time.  As each new day comes, it is filled with lots of new experiences, lessons to be learned, and some for which we know that day is over and let's move on. 

This is such a very broad topic that can go in so many different angles.  The initial question posed, " Are we able to create our future?" can be rephrased in a lot of ways.  As you see I have added or posed the question in a different way.  I guess it all depends on the person and how they interpret it.  Sometimes I just get to thinking about these particular questions and want to put it out there for all of you to internalize and really think about how you feel.

I would really love for all of you who are reading this blog to let me know your thoughts, feelings and really being able to answer in your own heart of hearts the main question above.  Because, we have to look at it in all aspects, the good and the bad.  Do we want to know when our last day on earth is going to be?  If, as we get older we are inflicted with some disease whether it be life threatening or many years of treatments and medical care, do we really want to know that is what the future holds for us?  It can be very scary when you really think about it.

I have taken this particular blog all over and rightfully so, due to the fact these questions have an infinite amount of answers.  Or for some it can be cut and dry.  Please go ahead and share.  Your comments are very helpful to me and can maybe create another topic for discussion.  Let's be a part of this together!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

What are we hiding from?

It seems to be that the more I speak to women(friends, coworkers) I have realized we all live with this idea of needing to hide. What are we hiding from? Ourselves? We seem to impose these negative thoughts on others of how they see us. Either we are too fat, too short, too skinny, big boned, anorexic, obese.  When really it is us who is internalizing this. We are the ones.   I know this because I have done it for the longest time.  I feel it is because I have been extremely uncomfortable in my own skin for a very very long time.  I am still to this day at times. I have my moments as we all do.

Do we all wear our imaginary masks that we can hide behind to outwardly portray that we are presentable to others yet we are deeply hurting inside?  Or is it masks meaning piling on the make-up or dressing a certain way. Over-doing ourselves thinking we need to make a good impression.  We want to be "liked".  We want that someone or whomever to want to have a conversation with us.  Otherwise, what are we worth? My gosh, it boggles my mind how we could think so little of ourselves.  It's so sad, because I have been one of them. I have felt like that for many years.

I always felt the need to be or act fake in a way.  It was so not me.  I always thought I was a good person, sweet, kind, personable, easy to talk to type.  So why did I need to hide? Why did I need to wear the mask in order to feel accepted?  It is so weird, so unnecessary. I'd say what I have come to realize is that if someone doesn't want to talk to me, be around me, like me or whatever, who cares.  It's their problem, their issues and why should I care.  It's their loss not mine.

As I see it the only person I should be concerned about is me. I need to understand that I need to be able to impress myself, be proud of who I am as a woman, as an individual.  I have been hiding in my shell for way too long.  As the past year has gone by my journey has had its ups and downs.  As life usually does.  There will always be some bumps in the road.  What I have been taught is how we handle those bumps and how we choose to smoothe them out so our path becomes free flowing again.  I am getting there and learning as I go along. 

I am truly tired of hiding and being afraid.  I think it's about time my face be seen, my name be known, my life be lived.  I have people around me to reach out their hand to help guide me along.  To show me the way (so-to-speak).   Now it is just a matter of me taking the BULL by the HORNS and taking control.

Once we realize what we are hiding from and it just may be our own shadow of ourselves.  Hiding from a fabricated reality which we concocted in our brains of which is really non-existent.   We must remove those walls of protection we have kept up for so long and begin to open up to our true selves.  It is only then we are no longer hiding but now we want to be found.

 As that saying goes, "Seek and ye shall find".

Monday, September 26, 2011

You are not alone

photo by:everafterglow
I wanted to write about how at times in our lives what we are going through whether it be emotional, physical, mental stresses or any other particular situations, WE ARE NEVER ALONE.

I know in my own particular case of my weight issues, or self sabotage, or insecurities and lack of self confidence and self esteem, we all have experienced these in our own ways.  When I had written my previous blogs about these topics, I did get some feedback.  It was so touching and wonderful.  To hear from either someone close to me or someone who just so happened to read it on Facebook. They would say thank you for sharing. Or I have been experiencing the same things as you.  How rewarding it was to be able to reach out to others. For them to be pulled into my heartfelt words.  To understand what I was trying to convey.  I realized I had accomplished what I had set out to do.  To touch someone.  Just one person who could feel what I was expressing.

That is all I wanted and it seems to be working.  It goes to show You are not alone in this at all.  I now see that for myself.  I used to think that what I was personally experiencing, thinking and feeling in my life was my issues, my crazy mind, my own insecurities.  How comforting to know I am not alone in this. 

Whether it be relationships with friends, family, spouses or our workplace environment,  and any other significant factor(s) in this equation,  we have all experienced our ups and downs.  It is not easy by any means.  Who said it would be anyway?

What is so truly important is to know that we have others who we can turn to for help, guidance, a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold.  Whether it be another family member, close friend, therapist or whomever you feel most comfortable sharing with. 

I find myself rekindling old friendships, finding new ones and further deepening current ones.  I have to contribute this to Facebook.  For whom I would have never found the many near and dear people I hold so close.  In addition, starting up friendships again after 30 years plus.  It is amazing with technology today, we are able to stay in touch with so many people.  This is also another proven way that YOU are not alone in this.  You'd be surprised that once you get to know all those awesome new faces out there, that they maybe experiencing the same or something similar to what you are going through. It sure is a crazy world.  But how boring it would be if it weren't.  So predictable, so mundane and unentertaining.

Life will continue to throw us all for a loop sometimes, it is in our power to change it, turn things around; get out of that crazy whirlwind which can sometimes lead us into a downward spiral of our everyday lives. 

I offer you my shoulder for you to cry on, my hand for to hold yours, my friendship and my love. Remember, YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS!!!!   

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Another year older

I stand here before you today officially another year older.  And I must admit I feel pretty good.  People always ask, "So how does it feel to be another year older?", in this case I am now 41.  Nothing really different I must say.  Only that I am very proud to be 41.  I remember when I was young and I would think people in their 40's were old.  Now that I am there, it really isn't old.

I guess you could say it all depends on how you feel. What is someone "supposed" to feel like at my age?  Are we supposed to be walking around feeling as if we have only so many years left on this earth?  I look at it as if I have half my life still yet to live.  What a wonderful feeling knowing and realizing this.  It is the "glass half full" attitude.  And I am very proud to say that is the way I look at life. 

Who has time or wants to waste their time looking at it any other way.  It is so important to live a life of positivity, love, happiness, joy, optimism and the "glass half full" attitude.  We can of course choose to think the complete opposite and live a life of shear misery.  But who in their right mind would want to do that? I sure know a few and it is quite sad. It is their choice and unfortunately sometimes or maybe even most of the time those types of people will never change.

Anyway, getting back to me and why I felt the need to write this particular blog.  I am now 41 and so another year begins.  A " New Year" to learn and grow, to look at things in a new and exciting way.  To develop new friendships, rekindle old ones or maybe just strengthen and deepen the ones now that I hold so close.  Maybe this year, realize that fear doesn't need to be such a strong and controlling behavior and response within me.  If I can just breaks things down, take a different approach, talk things through, change my attitude or possibly do something that I would never have would dreamt previously that was ever possible.

You just never know what the future holds.  You can only hope, dream, pray, love and believe that whatever your heart desires, it is possible.  Never say never.  Another year older and another year wiser as the saying goes.  It's all about the attitude, how you approach things, getting your mental state right where it's supposed to be.  That positive mindset that allows us to understand that although we will have those moments of meltdowns, sadness, or a bump in the road,  we know everything will be okay.  This too shall pass.  Be thankful to be alive, to be able to feel, that we are healthy and wake up every morning ready to start a new day.

Who ever said life was going to be easy or fair or that there would be no struggles?  No such luck. It is what it is.  I can fill the rest of my blog with lots of cliches, but I won't.  I stand here before you today another year older and so grateful to be alive.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

It's all about being a woman

                        A witty woman is a treasure; a witty beauty is a power – George Meredith

Finding a new sense of self.
It's all about being a woman.
Being proud of what we stand for
Living life to it's fullest
Feeling that empowerment of inner-strength
Not being afraid to believe anything is possible.
Loving ourselves knowing we are worth it all.
Knowing that joy and peace within our hearts and minds
Sharing those bonds of friendship we hold so dear
Encouraging others to stay strong and never give up.
Caring so deeply for one another and eachother's well being.
Expressing gratitude and appreciation for just being there.

Let's always remember that it's all about being a woman.
It's what creates those unbreakable bonds.
We must stand by eachother and not let the ridiculousness of life tear us apart.
Trust in eachother, believe in eachother, learn from eachother.
Being a woman, we have such beauty, such depth, such extraordinary character.
Allow for all of your many attributes to shine, to inspire, to create.
Let nothing ever hold you back from infinite possibilites.
Be confident and go forward.
Never look back and never regret what was or what could have been.

Let's be there for eachother, lift eachother up, encourage and support.
I believe that there will always be happiness, love and light on our paths.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Such Sadness

I have been thinking, actually been doing that a lot lately.  Guess that means I am alive. Seriously though, what has been on my mind is just questioning why there is so much sadness in this world.  It saddens me when I do think this especially when it involves members of my family.

I have had my own moments of sadness. I question why things are the way they are.  Why a particular situation happened. And because it did, is there a lesson to be learned from it.  When you see the people you love going through these times of sadness you wish you had the power to change things around for them.  To be able to take it all away from them and just make everything okay.

I am writing this with such an abundance of love to let those near and dear know that if I had the power and the ability, I would love nothing more than to make everything right.  I think I have always been that type of person to go out of my way to try to be that person.  Just to express that I care and want to see them happy.  I am not a magician and I do not have a magic wand, but to those people I love, I wish I could give you all the world.  Some who may be reading this already know this is how I feel. 

What I can only wish and hope for myself and others is that we somehow and someway find that inner peace and love that may be missing in our hearts and minds.  That desire to find the happiness and joy we so desperately hope for.  To be able to honestly say we are content with our lives.  To be able to find that we are able to live our lives experiencing lots of laughter, lots of great big smiles and a true happiness in our hearts.

Unfortunately, life is not perfect and life is not fair.  And because of this we will always have our ups and downs.  The whole idea is that we take an approach to it which holds the best interest for us.  We are proactive and not reactive.  We understand that with every situation that we encounter, we know that we do not play the martyr, we listen with an open mind and we act humbly. 

I must say that when all is said and done, I have learned a lot from talking to others, sharing life's experiences, learning of their family matters, and admitting we all have problems.  Going to therapy has been such an enriching and blessed experience for me.  So, with the culmination of all these, it helps me to understand that I am not going through these things in life alone.  We can constantly question WHY, WHY ME, HOW COME.  I'd rather question what can I do to change things, of course if I  have the ability to do so.  Remember the Serenity Prayer always.

All we can do is be the best we can be as ourselves.  We need to be thankful that we are alive and that we have what we do have.  There are so many people out there so much worse off than us.  We need to be grateful for our health and that we know God loves us.  That we wake up every morning being able to do all those things we can and at times we may take for granted.  I am sure some of us have from time to time.  I know and I admit I have.

Just make sure and this may sound cheesy!!! (LOL)!!! And know I love you!!!
Turn that :o( FROWN UPSIDE DOWN and make sure to :o) SMILE
Somehow, things have a way of working themselves out in the end.

Much LOVE to you,
Laura :o)


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Angels, Do You Believe?

A very interesting topic I have been wanting to write about is the idea if Angels really exist. Do we have guardian angels that watch over us that have been sent down by the Good Lord above?

For me, just recently I have been intrigued by the thought and their existence.  I honestly believe that my son is being protected and guided by his Angel.  I read somewhere in one of those books they advise you to buy for a soon to be parent, to talk to your child's Angel.  Ask them to watch over your precious little one.  I have in the past.  When I would be sitting in the rocking chair in my son's room at all hours of the night asking for blessings, protection and praying for the love and guidance of the Lord.  Of course, this was awhile back when my son was a newborn and one of my prayers was for my son to go to sleep.  The continuous feelings of sleep deprivation took over my life during that time and I needed some help myself.

The beautiful picture I have attached with this blog is so special to me.  My mother had given me a print of it which I had framed just before my son was born.  It was at my mother's request to have it hung over his crib.  My mother was giving my precious son in her own special way,  the protection of a Guardian Angel to watch over him.  I hold that gift so close to my heart and will explain to him when he is old enough to understand that his Mama Joan loved him so much before he made his grand entrance into this world.

As for me now,  I honestly believe Angels exist.  They do in their own special way.  Sometimes it is hard for some to believe in something they cannot see.  It is the whole idea of believing with all your heart that something exists. 

I believe that each of us has a guardian Angel that protects us from harms way whenever necessary.  They are there to love and serve.  Just believe and know that you are loved.  God has created these heavenly spirits sent down to give of themselves.  Whenever they are needed they are there.  Just close your eyes and clear your mind.  Ask for their help and know they will be there right by your side.

The Lord Jesus did say, "See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven." (Matthew 18:10) And (Psalm 91:11) promises, "For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways."

Friday, September 16, 2011

Being Open to the Universe

What I have realized while on this hiatus of writing and really not feeling in the vibe and flow, is the lack of connection to the Universe.  That Law of Attraction that every so often we hear about.  Putting out there into the Universe your positivity, your energy, your vibe and flow.  That synchronicity in which all things just fall into place and all things somehow make that connection with eachother.

If you have never experienced it before then maybe you think I am crazy or something.  If you have experienced what I am describing it is quite magical.  The energy flow through your body can be quite intense at times.Quite extraordinary and something you really only heard about and did not believe it really existed.

What was so amazing to me was my ability to find inspiration in everyone and everything I came across.  The words and ideas were pouring out of me.  The ease of being able to express myself was effortless at times.  Something I never realized existed within me.  What an amazing feeling.  I actually used to totally dislike reading and had no desire to even consider writing.  Let alone pouring my heart out and at times speaking of very sensitive subjects.

If it seems I am speaking as if all of this is in the past and not happening currently, I do not mean to convey that at all.  I love writing my blog and sharing so much with you.  It has become such a part of me.  A wonderful means of expression and actually part of my healing process.  As I move forward on my journey to find out who Laura really and truly is,  I may come across some bumps in the road.  I know and all those who lovingly support me know that life happens and it will not stop me in anyway. 

I choose to be open to the Universe and allow all good things, positive things and the wonderful energy flow through me, giving me the ability to soar way beyond my wildest dreams.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Writing again feels so right

So many have been so encouraging to me. Telling me to get my creative juices flowing again.  I want to because I do have so much to share.  As I have said before, the process of putting my feelings and thoughts down and getting it on here, has become quite a therapeutic process for me.  How could I ever not want to do this?  Not want to share and pour my heart out ( so-to-speak).  How could I go wrong? There isn't a possible way I could.  When we speak from the heart, it just can't be wrong.

I have been a shy, introverted person pretty much all my life and I think that is part of what led me to keep things in.  Not letting my feelings out or expressing myself.  It was so much easier to just suppress it all by eating.   To make me feel better, or so I thought.  Keeping my thoughts and opinions to myself I guess was a great way never to be confronted or questioned by anyone.  I would not have to stand up for myself then.  I just always went with the flow.  It was just easier to agree with someone and then move on. 

This type of behavior through out time can only come back to bite you right in the ass.  To always somehow make you end up looking like a fool.  Becoming a doormat for someone to walk all over.  Your lack of self worth is diminished.  Your voice can no longer be heard because you have given it up.  Figuring why should you even bother.  My words and opinions don't really stand for anything.  You'd just be shot down anyway.

Being a woman is something to be so proud of.  Being a mother and a wife is just as important.  It all stems from our strength within.  Our feelings about ourselves.  What we stand for and what we see when we look in that mirror.  That mirror which a lot of us try so hard to avoid.  We have this distorted view, picking at every little detail and what isn't good enough.  I don't know about you, but I am sick of doing this to myself.

You get to a point in your life where you got to just say enough is enough.  How much longer can we torment ourselves?  The only person truly suffering is ourselves.  So much so, that it can bring us to our lowest low.  It will take that much longer and that much harder to dig out from all the bullshit we have put ourselves through.

When do we realize we want more out of life?  When we get to that point where we cannot continue down that destructive path anymore. That path that  leads us absolutely nowhere but in sheer misery.  There is so many different answers to this question.  This is just one particular example.

I feel it is so important to surround ourselves with people who truly care and love us unconditionally.  Those people who want us to be the best we can be.  Those who encourage us, give us guidance, and sometimes give us that needed push to get us motivated.

I am so glad that I am doing this again.  It just feels so right.  I want to put myself out there.  I want people too know what goes through my mind.  What I am feeling in my heart.  It is my truth and with sharing it I can begin to heal myself.  I am allowed to feel, I am allowed to speak and I am allowed to love because I can and because I choose to do so.  I will not allow for all of these things to ever be taken away from me.

This brings me to a saying that a dear friend had told me a while back and I think it is quite approriate at this point.  " I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR"

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Self Sabotage, When will it stop???

This is a very sensitive subject for me to discuss.  But I feel the need to do so at this time.  I have gone through these feelings of self sabotage numerous times in my life.  I can see that it rears it's ugly head when I am under a lot of stress. 

I know when it is coming and I know when I am doing it.  I know that it will only become much more stonger of a force if I allow it to do so.  Allow it to completely take over me.  The way I self sabotage myself is by eating.  Unfortunately, eating is my drug.  My addiction.  I cannot believe I am sharing all of this with you.. But I only hope that as I continue writing this blog it will only help me to see the light.  That I am choosing to allow this negative energy, this negative impulse take over me. 

By eating in excess, eating foods that I should not even be putting in my mouth let alone having the nerve to chew and swallow, I continue to do so.  After all is said and done, I look in the mirror asking myself what I just did and was it worth that temporary fix.  That moment of pleasure and relaxation.  Food is my addiction.  My drug of choice and it completely sucks.

At times I hate myself for it.  Asking myself why? Why do I allow myself to intake this poison? These foods that I know damn well are not good for me and can make me sick.  Do I like punishing myself?  Making myself feel and look ugly?

Many of you may think after reading this particular blog, that I need to go into intensive therapy.  And you are probably right.  I have some real issues here that never left me after so many years.  So many years of being overwweight.  So many years of being unhappy with myself, inside and out.  It all stems from low self esteem, lack of self confidence and lack of self love.  Which I thought I had found.  I know I have.  Sometimes these feelings of self doubt and whatever else you want to call it are stronger.  Because I allow it.  I am in control of every action and every reaction.  For the most part anyway.  It makes me wonder about myself. 

I have a lot of soul searching to do yet.  Lots of learning to do about myself.  I know I have come a long way.  And I know what I am capable of doing and not doing.  I know I have will power, determination and inner strength.  I need to find it again. Tap into my positive energy which I know is there. 

I can only hope by me opening up like I have can make someone else who is reading this and can relate to what I have been going through, know you are not alone.  We are in this together.  We all have the ability to rid ourselves of these demons that prefer to stay within us if we choose to allow them to be.  I so desperately want to be rid of them.  I cannot stand to see myself continually self sabotage.  By eating and gaining weight, feeling unhappy with how I look and unhappy with myself period.

I am a soon to be 41 year old woman.  I have half of my life yet to live.  When will it stop?

When I say out loud,  NO MORE!!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I honestly and truly feel that friendships are what make us who we are in this world.  What type of person we turn out to be as we approach adulthood.  It starts way back when we first enter school and begin to learn what having a friend is all about.

I can start off by saying that I have a very dear friend who I have known since we were 6.  That is 35 years of  the most wonderful and heartfelt relationship one could ever have.  My most dearest and bestest friend who I could spill my guts out to and she would still love me unconditionally.  My family and I just got back from Florida after spending the best 5 days rekindling our deeply connected friendship.  We had lost touch for about 10-12 years and when we reconnected we just picked up where we left off that many years ago.  That is why I feel so blessed.  How often in our lives do we have this type of experience?  I love you so much my dear friend.  And I always will.

As we go through life developing friendships, losing contact and maybe somehow meeting again later on in life, you kind of know who those special ones are in the bunch.  The ones who are so special to you that you know they will always hold a tender place in your heart.

I have another dear girlfriend of mine who I have known since we were 15.  We met in high school and immediately clicked.  She is another wonderful and blessed girlfriend in my life.  We make sure we keep in touch somehow and get together when we can.  Especially on certain family traditional occasions.  She has such a fantastic family and I love her so much. This is another friendship I hold so close.

No matter what happens in our lives we know our families will always be there for us.  They are our blood and without family I feel our lives just wouldn't be the same.  As for friendships, this is what creates and molds us as to what type of person we are and what type of people we want to surround ourselves with.  Our hearts are only fulfilled and deepened with those we welcome into our lives and choose to learn from. They help to give us guidance and may strengthen our beliefs and perception regarding many different aspects and ideas about so may things we may encounter on a daily basis.  This life is all about broadening our lives; our horizons and making every moment count.  Life as we all know it is a huge learing process.  We take in what we feel is most important and what can teach us to be better human beings.  To just be a better person. 

As I have gotten older I have met some other extraordinary people who I have chosen to keep close.  To develop our relationships and make those friendships become another facet of my being.  I have always been a believer that it is not the quantity of people in my life, it is the quality of those friendships I want to be a part of my life.  I'd rather be able to have those loving and caring men and women only help to make me be a better person.  Those types of friendships mean the world to me.  I would not change that for anything.

This blog entry is dedicated to all of you who I have been graced and blessed by. Those who God has led me to and felt that I would only be nourished and fulfilled with your love and kindness. To all of you, I say thank you.  May God bless all of you always, now and forever.  May you always know how much you mean to me and I am forever grateful to each and everyone of you.

Much love,

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Learn to LOVE one another no matter what

Love is the universal language.
Love is what it's all about.
Love is kind; love is gentle; love is generous
Love is unconditional; love is beautiful
Love is the best feeling in the world
Love is so special and such a wonderful gift
Love is a gift to oneself and to others
Without it, it can a very lonely world to live in
A lonely world within ourselves
We must learn to love one another no matter what
Everyone deserves to love and to be loved
God's gift of love is the highest
May we all embrace him in our lives
May we follow in his footsteps loving everyone and everything unconditionally
In his eyes we are all equally deserving of his love
Love makes someone happy, makes someone cry, makes someone feel
such unbelievable raw emotion
Love brings joy and laughter, beauty and breath-taking delight
Love gives new life and put smiles in people's hearts
Love knows no color, love knows no gender and love knows no limits
Allow yourself to embrace LOVE and all the magical wonders of it
We must learn to LOVE one another no matter what

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Enjoy the Silence

Ahhh, peace and quiet
As I sit in a room all by myself
I am able to gather my thoughts
I can hear nothing but my breathing
Inhale and exhale as I try to concentrate
In a room all by myself
I can feel my body start to relax
I learn to appreciate the calmness within
All I can think of is making the most of this time alone
Finding peace and serenity as I accept it in
My heart beats to it's own flowing rhythm
My mind is released of tension and resistance
My body reposed
I sit here in a room all by myself
As I Enjoy the Silence

SELF-LOVE, is it possible?

Does anyone ever really find it in their lives? Is it possible?
Some of us including myself find that it is possible to love oneself but may take a whole lifetime. It makes us wonder, between what we had gone through in our past and the past relationships we had, could it ever come to be.

I had shown one of my recent blogs entitled "IN TIME" to a dear friend of mine who is one of my biggest fans.  I was sitting there with her as she read it out loud.  When she reached that line where I said "I knew in time I would have self-love" she stopped and got very emotional and began to cry.  Her feelings overwhelmed her and she wepped.  It seemed to have been to my friend a very sensitive and poignant line that really touched her heart.  I had begun to get emotional myself.  My eyes welled up as I comforted my friend and put my hand on her arm and shoulder to let her know it was okay.

Some of us do find "IN TIME" that self-love is indeed possible.  And when we realize that we have entered into this new way of thinking and feeling about ourselves there is never any turning back.  Self-lovin' is the best lovin' as a friend once told me.  I think if we get to that point where we realize that
the instinct or desire to promote one's own well-being is imperative in order for us to live the best lives we can in this world, there is nothing stopping us from reaching our goals, our dreams or even our desires.
This all just comes full circle when I reference back to the main title of my blog.  "When do you realize you want more out of life".  When do you realize that self-love is a number one necessity in order to be fully, truly and honestly loving someone else, taking care of one's health and living life to it's fullest capacity.  That is quite a tall order.  But yet is so very possible.  Now for me, it took about a years worth of therapy, a new view and focus on life, and maybe could use some more therapy.  I am not saying I am the epitome of self-love.  Lord knows I am not.  But I am an example that it is possible.  With the much needed help and guidance that is required, because we all know it is very difficult to get there alone, anything is possible.
This is the dreamer in me talking now, but if we all were able to find self-love knowing what that leads to; a deep and sincere love for others, kindness, compassion and a gentleness towards ourselves and others, wouldn't this world be a better place?  To have that belief that people are good-hearted, loving, caring, sincere in thought and action, peace would be a much more common and used word in our everyday vocabulary.  A girl can dream, can't she?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I knew at one point in time my life would be different.
I knew in time I would see things in a new light.
I knew in time that brick would fall from the sky
and hit me in the head.
I knew in time that I would get a better focus on life.
I knew in time that I was destined for change.
I knew in time with the much needed help I would be
on the right track.
I knew in time that I would find self-love.
I knew in time that my life would be what I make of it.
I knew in time I would find me.
I knew in time that I would find joy within
I knew in time that my life would never be the same.
I knew in time I would know God's love.
I knew in time I would be inspired.
I knew in time I would love life again.
I knew in time I would be grateful for all of his blessings.

I knew in time I would be Laura again.

Monday, July 25, 2011


I have been on a role these past few days wanting to get out all my thoughts and feelings right here for all of you to see.  I guess you could say I have been in need of some self-therapy.  Since I had begun this whole "Blogging" experience this past March,  I found that writing has become such a therapeutic way of expression.  I find that as I start my new entry the words just somehow flow and my fingers just start typing away.  As I look back to a time where the thought of even considering to write anything was so torturous for me.  The closest I got was keeping a diary or journal.  But back then that is what young girls did.  We kept a diary. 

Now, so many years later, here I am doing something I never thought I would do.  How cool is that!!!??  I think a lot has to do with this time in my life.  Questioning things around me for example; situations, conversations, current events, etc.  Maybe by getting older or maybe a little wiser, you realize that there is so much more out there to understand, to learn about or even become passionate about.  Finding a passion for something that brings total joy and love to your heart. I love it!!!

I have been quite intrigued by the writing of Virginia Swift, in particular,entitled The Awakening. I wanted to share with all of you the last few paragraphs which I feel is so poignant for me.

"You learn that negative feelings such as anger, envy, and resentment must be understood and redirected, or they will suffocate the life out of you and poison the universe that surrounds you."

"You learn to admit when you are wrong and to build bridges instead of walls.  You learn to be thankful and to take comfort in many of the simple things we take for granted, things that millions of people upon the earth can only dream about a full refrigerator,clean running water, a soft warm bed, a long hot shower.  Slowly, you begin to take responsibility for yourself, by yourself, and you try to make yourself a promise to never betray yourself and to never ever settle for less than your heart's desire.  And you hang a wind chime outside your window so you can listen to the wind.  And you make it a point to keep smiling, to keep trusting, and to stay open to every wonderful possibility."

"Finally, with courage in your heart and with God by your side, you take a stand, you take a deep breath, and you begin to design the life you want to live as best as you can."

This totally just blew me away.  When I first came across this by Virginia Swift, I was excited to see what it was all about.  Little did I know how impactful it would have been for me.  I was just so happy to find something that described exactly what I was feeling.

I am so very thankful for all I have gone through to get to this point in my life.  Everything happens for a reason.  I truly believe this.  It is so heartwarming to know that there are such wonderful people in my life who love me for who I am, who I was and who I have come to be.  This journey of self-renewal has been a trip like no other. I love being able to inspire others and in return become inspired by them.  This is what life is all about.  Being thankful for all that you have and all that you are.  Being able to love life and love all that you have experienced and have yet to encounter. 

The Awakening for me has given me a new realization of what I had been going through.  There is always a reason why things, people, situations come to us out of the blue.  When we least expect it.  Isn't that even more of a rewarding and cherished reason to be so thankful for the lives we live while here on earth.  Learning to be thankful each and everyday for God's beautiful blessings.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Life can be crazy at times

Life can be crazy at times.  One day you are okay and happy go lucky, the next you are upset, pissed off, in agony or just plain mad.  What are the triggers of life that set you off?  What is the very thing that can push you over the edge?

In my opinion, a lot has to do with the type of person you are.  Are you high strung? Are you a worry wort? Are you just a glutten for punishment?  Or just love to be angry at the world all the time?  Who the hell wants to live like this???

It exhausts me just talking about it all.  I am the type of person who has always been a worry wort.  So nervous about every little thing.  Things that may not be happening for days, weeks or even months down the line, I would be setting myself up already for the what if's.  I can't even begin to tell you what a horrible way to live.  What a horrible way to think.  It disgusts me to even admit that I was once so wrapped up in this miserable way of thinking.  It consumed me.  The feeling of nausea, jitters, nervousness, and just worrying. 

I used to work myself up into such a frenzy.  Forget about it, when that day actually arrived when I had that thing to do, or go somewhere or travel.  I truly hated living like this.  It takes the whole enjoyment out of everything.  How could I ever honestly say that I was happy, really happy.  I wasn't at all.

This had all been lumped into PANIC ATTACKS and ANXIETY.  It upsets me that I allowed it to take over me.  Over my life.  I knew there was something wrong here.  Each new day was torture.  There was no pleasure in it at all.

I had realized after quite a while that a lot of what I was going through was triggered by what I was eating.  Besides me being a nervous wreck all the time which did not help matters in the slightest.  I started to eliminate foods that may have been the cause to all this chaos in my life.  Once I removed them, I had noticed those feelings of nausea, stomach pains, jitters and panic had started to subside.  I had realized that those foods were gluten and wheat products along with a sensitivity to caffeine.  I was so happy to discover this.  It had definitely changed my life. 

What seems to be happening all around us each and every day, is that we get very easily caught in the negativity of the world.  What and who are around us that we choose to allow ourselves to be influenced by. 
Life can be crazy at times.  Certain circumstances that arises, whether it be your health, relationships, workplace,  or the environment we live in.  

It is easy for me to say to everyone, get your act together and get out of this funk.  I find it easier to say that LIFE is good.  There is a lot of enjoyment to be had.  Things to discover and learn about.  Interesting people to meet that you may be impacted by or vice versa.  You just never know what God's plans are for us.  You have to allow yourself to be open to different experiences.  Allow yourself to be in the moment and completely understand that whatever will be will be.  We don't have control over things.  This reminds me of the Serenity Prayer.

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr
Life can be crazy at times.  Just don't let it take control over you. 


When we begin to think more about the interdependence of things, we take our place as one more star in a magnificent universe, rather than as the sun around which the universe revolves. Our heart grows peaceful. ~Joan Borysenko

What a beautiful bright star we are
Shining so brightly and yet so far
The brilliance our beauty brings
Within each of our hearts it sings
Allowing our radiance to shine
Forever knowing in time
This beautiful bright star we are
~Laura Trovato

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I never realized that I would see the day where I would realize how much strength I do have.  It is about time!

The strength of a woman is most extraordinary.
The beauty of a woman is exquisite.
The love of a woman is immeasurable.
The character of a woman enhances her beauty.
The heart of a woman is where love grows.
The eyes of a woman speak volumes.
The lips of a woman share a kiss like no other.

Embrace and acknowledge your strengths and beauty.  Open yourself up and allow all that has been given to you.  All that you have come to accept and believe you are to be.  The strength of a woman can carry the weight of the world.  The powers we possess are far beyond what we think we are capable of.  Know that you are beautiful in mind, body and soul.  Let your light shine like it has never done before.  Let the world see it and let it take you to new heights. 

With all my love,

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Embrace Change

I CHOOSE to embrace change. I CHOOSE to make a difference. I CHOOSE to be me.

I am embracing changes that are happening all around me.   I wanted to share with everyone that change is GOOD.  It shows that you are able to glide along within the universe with confidence, understanding or at least accepting what is happening everyday. 

If you allow yourself to be open to change and welcome it within yourself, it becomes the very much needed "something different" you may have longed for.  I put those words in quotes to represent what my son, Luke, often says.

Along with change comes several factors such as FEAR and POSSIBLE FAILURE.  I have for the most part been open to change.  As time has passed, at least at this stage of this game called LIFE, I am embracing my changes.  I am proud of who I am as a woman.  We all know with change comes a whole lot of POSITIVITY too.  The first step, overcoming fears that may have held you back in the past.  Secondly, taking small steps toward that change.  Thirdly, a positive attitude, being and staying motivated.

Allowing change to happen is half of it. The other is accepting and embracing it.  We need to do what makes us happy as long as we are on this earth.  If some people out there only know the old you and don't know how to understand the new you, too bad. Their loss!!!

I found this most magnificent quote by Mahatma Gandhi and I believe it to be true and absolutely possible. "BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD".  If this world we live in is not meeting your expectations, then do something about it.  Be that change you so desperately want to see.  Be that dreamer who believes that making people smile and spreading happiness brings us all together.  Make a difference within the universe.  Anything is possible as long as you EMBRACE CHANGE.

I strongly believe that if we CHOOSE to do whatever we feel in our hearts, we cannot go wrong.  The change(s) that will occur, will be the ultimate of experiences that we never could have imagined before. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Love is a many splendored thing

Today July 12, 2011 and my topic of the day is LOVE. What a small and simple word but it's meaning can be interpreted in so many different ways by many different people. 

I believe that love has different meanings and different levels for each individual person in one's life.  I believe that the love I would have for my son is a completely different love I would have for my spouse,my parents and my friends. To be able to love another truly can only be possible if we are able to find that love for ourselves. 

To be able to fully understand the capacity in which to love another can only be understood with self love.
I have been able to understand that within the past year.  It seems that since this journey I have been on, I have been able to break down some walls that were up around me.  Whether it was for my own protection or for some not to be able to look in and make judgement or just being in total denial of all that was around me.

I am sure all of you are familiar with the Wizard of Oz and what the Wizard says at the end of the movie. When he is handing out all the wishes to each of the characters. The Brain, The Courage, For Dorothy to go home and last for The Tinman to get his heart.  The Wizard says  "A heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others."

I never completey agreed with this.  How can a heart be judged this way?  It disturbed me.  But now that I am older and a little bit wiser, I realize this statement has validity.  When someone looks at you who has no idea what you are about but sees the LOVE that others have for you.  Then that someone understands that you must be a really special person who has been able to touch so many hearts along the way.  So, I get it.  I also believe that it is just as important to have that ability to show that love toward others.  That extraordinary way one possesses, to show much he or she loves another.   They are equally important in my eyes.  I don't know if I am the only person who has ever given so much thought to this particular line in one of my all time ever FAVORITE movies.

LOVE is such a wonderful word with such heartfelt meaning.  It brings so much joy and happiness to one's heart and soul.   How fantastic to be able to experience it on a daily basis.  With all the people we choose to surround ourselves with along with our beautiful families who we have been blessed to be a part of.   God is good and his LOVE for us is like no other.  Let us live each and everyday with the love we have in our hearts and don't ever forget to tell the special people around us how much we love them.  LIVE FULFILLED, BE FULFILLED and just BE!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I am still trying to figure it out...

I am still trying to figure it out.  The answer or answers to my question.  The main one which is the title of my Blog.  I am sure a lot of us question this each and every day.  You have to take yourself outside of any given situation and look at it through a different scope.  You have to examine everything around you.  Family, friends, workplace and any other significant part of your life and question, is there more?  Is this everything I had ever hoped my life would be like?  Could there be more?  At what point in your life does it make you question is this all? 

What I have come to realize is that at a certain point during this time span something clicks and a light bulb pops up above your head.  I feel it did for me.  I see things differently in a way.  Something changes inside of me and makes me feel that any obstacles that I let be obstacles in the past have now disappeared.  You know that saying "The world is your oyster".  You realize that anything is possible.  And you learn to Never say Never.  What was once seemingly impossible has now become completely and undeniably possible.  You create your world you want to live in.  It does not create and control you.

I feel a lot of this is all because of FEAR.  FEAR is a very strong and powerful word which can easily control us if we choose to let it.  It is a response or an emotion that can completely take over someone.  It controls each and every thought, decision, action and reaction.  False Evidence Appearing Real, the meaning of what fear is if you break it down each letter. This was told to me by a dear friend and how true it is.

I think that if we learn to not let FEAR rule our lives and the way we handle the different situations,  we allow many doors to open.  We acknowledge we now have a new perspective which permeates our every thought and every action. 

I began this entry talking about questioning when do we realize we want more out of life which coincides with fear and that ability to either control us or not.  When you realize that you refuse to let fear take over you, you realize what you are capable of  in this world.   It is just a matter of taking that first step.  That pathway  that will lead you to something you could've never imagined.  WOW, the possibilities are endless!!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I haven't written in a little while. But in actuality I was planning for my next entry being something I discovered.  My Awakening. 

I had been on my search for words, sayings and quotes that inspire me like I do each day and I came across something written by Virginia Swift called The Awakening.  It was a very lengthy read but what caught attention was the very first paragraph which states "A time in your life when you... finally get it.  When in the midst of all your fears and insanity you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out- ENOUGH!" Of course, to my surprise I had realized she was talking about me.  I had finally figured out what has been happening to me. "The Awakening".

There is an actual name for this.  I was always wondering through out these past years when that brick was going to come falling from the sky, knock me in the head and put some sense into me.

The continuous years of self-sabotage, lack of self-acceptance, self-worth, self-confidence and I could go on and on.  How much self-abuse can one take? I was really convinced that the day would never come that I would awake with a whole new sense of self.  I had in my mind that God was punishing me and this was the way it was going to be forever.  But what I understand now is that he isn't punishing me at all.  He has always been watching over me and was going to answer my prayers when he felt the time was right.  I am so glad he realized I was ready.

To be able to stand here knowing so much more that I had.  To be able to realize that I am beautiful and worth all the wonderful things that life has to offer.  To know I deserve to feel happy, to be happy and be loved.  "You learn that  feelings of entitlement are perfectly OK... and that it is your right to want things that you want and that sometimes it is necessary to make demands.  You come to the realization that you deserve to be treated with love, kindness, sensitivity,and respect,and you will not settle for less."

I love this particular paragraph where Virginia Swift states "And you learn that your body is your temple.  You begin eating a balanced diet, drinking more water, and taking more time to exercise.  You learn that fatigue diminishes the spirit and can create doubt and fear, so you take more time to rest.  And just as food fuels the body,  laughter fuels your soul, so take more time to laugh and to play."  It is within our control to take care of ourselves, our souls.  Our radiant light that shines within all of us.

I have made a promise to myself to keep trusting and stay open to every wonderful possibility.  "Finally, with the courage in your heart and with God by your side, you take a stand, you take a deep breath, and you begin to design the life you want to live as best as you can."

I want to thank Virginia Swift for writing this perfect explanation of what has happened to me.  I totally get it now.  Just another one of Life's Lessons Learned.  One that has made such a deep impact.  One that I wanted to share with you. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Everyone morning I have the same routine. I enjoy reading the many beautiful quotes and sayings that really make me think. That gives me rush of energy and inspiration to go about my day. That little extra something to make it an even brighter day.  I came across something that really touched home for me.  Something that my heart felt so deeply that I wanted to share here with you.

The title of it is called "Make the World Sparkle". 

What can you do to give life substance and meaning? How you express the unique miracle of your existence?

The deepest purpose you feel, drives every other purpose in your life. Allow that ever-abiding, timeless purpose to be fully nourished by your actions.

See the beautiful reality that is hidden by nothing more than the shallow distractions of your mind. Feel the energy of life as it flows through your every experience.

Welcome each moment as it arises. Live the treasure that comes with every day.

Celebrate this day for the one-of-a-kind miracle that it is. Grab the possibilities and make the world sparkle with your special light.

Let go of your inhibitions and allow your purpose to make its beautiful and powerful presence known. Breathe in the sweet air of true fulfillment. ~rm~

Good Morning Believers!! How are you going to make your day sparkle?!?! Oh the possibilities!! Hope your day shines for you!! *Peace*Love*Light* ~linda~

I don't know about you but this is just what I needed to begin my day.  A reminder of how we can express the unique miracle of our existence.  To be able to feel that energy of life with our every experience. 

I am so inspired everyday with all the beauty that is around me.  With the people I meet and speak to, words and messages I read, the beautiful souls that share their light with me.  It just raises me up and brings me to a higher level of being.  I love being able to share my travels and experiences with you and hoping you are enlightened as well.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Oh My Gosh! It really is!!!
The feeling you have when you have had such and honest and hardy laugh maybe one that may have u rolling over in tears, in incredible.
Sharing this joy with others is completely priceless.
The endorphins released is your body's natural painkiller and produces a general sense of well-being.

Why wouldn't you want to be happy, smile and have a memorable laugh that will leave the biggest grin on your face?

Because I work in the medical field, we try very hard here in our office to make eachother laugh.  We have had some fantastic ones.  I found some cartoons online that were listed under the title Laughter is the best medicine. I wanted to share them with you.  Hope you enjoy and they put a BIG SMILE :o) on your face!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011


It is strange how  perceive ourselves when we have had many different experiences through out life. When others see us they don't understand why we think and feel the way we do or we label ourselves a certain way.  We portray ourselves to be the opposite of what we really are. For example, giving the impression of being extroverted when we really are introverted.  

I think it is a protective wall we have built to shield our hearts from any outside negativity.  A possibility of people really seeing us for what we truly are or maybe getting hurt by someone we really care about.  What are we afraid of that they will see in us?  If they do not like us for whatever reason, then it's their loss.   

We need to stay true to ourselves and be the best we can be in our hearts and souls.  No one can ever take that away. 


I used to have these ideas or thoughts in my mind that I just left there. Never had the ambition or the guts to do anything about it.  I was afraid. Fear took over really quick. Then that was the end of it. No big deal.

Or at least that was the way I used to look at life.  I refuse to sit on the side~lines anymore.  Enough is enough. I have let many things pass me by for what? Why? I live life with no regrets. What I let go or did not do is in the past.

Time to move on.  Time to step up to the plate and be front and center in this universe.  This time is for me now.  I need not be afraid. For the love that I have developed for myself and the love I have for the life will guide me through.  The Good Lord Above I know is watching over me and loves me no matter what.  I understand that now.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


I am so amazed how life is.  I am inspired everyday.  From the littlest thing to the most grandest thing that really impacts me and packs a punch right straight to my heart.  I have to say I look at things so differently now. I realize that there is so much to learn, to experience and to feel.  To be able to understand that life is a complete learning process where you have many ups and downs.  The most important lesson is to realize how you must handle those particular situations and LEARN from it.  Take a negative and turn it into a positive. 

When you change your attitude you change your life.  You have the power to control your actions.  Make each day a brand new start.  Don't ever look back and dwell on what you could or should have done or said.  Make the next day different.  Do everything you can to make it happy and satisfying.  Always walk proudly with a big SMILE on your face.  That in itself speaks volumes.  Your light is shining.  You attract whatever you put out there.  So positivity is the way to go. 

I am inspired everyday to be positive and happy.  What I love even more is to be able to share that with others.  How wonderful it makes me feel to see that I was able to make a person feel good.  I helped put a smile on that person's face.  I made their heart smile.  What an awesome feeling.  That in turn comes back to me and it is contagious.  What would make it even better is if that next person did the same for the next and so on.  Before you know we would be surrounded by a bunch of bright smiling and very happy people who genuinely felt the love being spread around. 

My main goal here is to make a difference. I have said this numerous times before in past blogs.  And I really mean it.  It is possible for all of us to do this.  I really want to start a chain reaction here.  Be a part of it with me and we will make a difference. 

:o)'s and (((hugs)))
Share the LOVE please!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I have realized that I am resiliant. I allow nothing to stop me from being who I really am.  Who I have come to know myself to be. I have sheer determination to rise above.  I will overcome anything or anyone who tries to push me back.  Back from achieving my goals, my desires and my beliefs.

I have learned that I love life and enjoy it immensely.  I believe all that is good in this world. That goes for people, situations, experiences and the love that is received from them.

I am a strong woman with a strong mind. I am becoming something that I have always wanted to be.  Self-confident, self-assured, self-accepting and of self-worth.  I will not allow anyone or anything to get in my way.  My inner strength has become so powerful and so have I.  I know that anything is possible and within my reach.  I BELIEVE IN ME AND ALL THAT I AM.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Accepting of your evolving self

I wanted to share something that I found that so deeply moved me.  Something that I had been feeling( in the first paragraph) and did not know how to express it.  I found this wonderful page on Facebook called GAIA HEALING.  From what I have read so far, I feel like these messages are there purposefully for me to discover and connect with. This again is just another extraordinary way of the MAGNETIC POWER OF THE UNIVERSE.

~ Acceptance of your evolving self ~

As we grow spiritually we may feel that we are changing.
We may feel that we are becoming a different person and sometimes we begin to feel aloneness within our journey.

Remember how you walk your journey ~ is the journey.

If you journey standing in your own Light - with faith in who you are and what you are becoming - then you will draw people to you - for they will feel the gentleness of your energy and the brightness of your Light.
If you close down the brightness of your Light - because you are concerned about your new differences - then people will not feel connection to you - and you will feel alone.

When you close down your own Light because you feel different - you miss opportunities for connection.

The truth is that you are never alone.

There is always an over abundant flow of Divine Love and Light around you.
This flow of Light is the flow of Light that is around every single being on this planet.
Connection is all around us - waiting for us to accept it into our being.

In the learning of faith in self - we must come back to the knowing of self and the complete faith in our journey and who we are becoming.
When we come back to this feeling - our heart is opened fully and our Light is able to shine brightly and freely.
When we live like this - this is when our Light can touch another's heart.

Think of how young children are in the world.
They are not concerned with how other people perceive them.
Their Light is still so bright that external ego energies cannot come to them and change their focus.

They do not think about differences - they really do not see differences.
They see life and they take it by the scruff of the neck and live it.
They are abundant in living and being - because there have no barrier to being all that they can be in life.

Remember how it feels to be in the presence of a child living life? ~ Freely giggling, dancing and singing.
To watch them you feel their Light - it is radiant, infective, addictive - it is magnificent!
This is self faith in action. 
This is allowing all of your Light to shine in connection to all on this planet ~ with no barriers to all that you are.
This is allowing your self to shine.

When you can walk in the world in self faith - then you walk like a shining sun among everyone.
The Light you radiate will be felt - and people will benefit from this gift.

The most important gift you can give to another is acceptance.
But to give another unconditional acceptance - you first have to give yourself the same gift.

~ Blessings ~
Gaia Healing

Friday, June 17, 2011

What I have learned so far

Let go of the past. Accept change. Be in the moment.

Find your inner strength and let your light shine brightly .
Anything is possible. Believe in yourself and all that you are.
You are the creator of your own destiny. 
You are the one in control of your life. No one else.
You are only limited if you allow yourself to be.  
Never say never. Dare To Be Great! 
Challenge yourself and reap the rewards.
Change is possible. You have to want it yourself.
Be kind, be honest, be humble and most of all be YOU!!!


Life is filled with so many lessons learned.  The main goal is to be able to embrace them.  We need to realize that everything happens for a reason.  It is our choice. It is important that we look at it as a means of self improvement and changing the way we look at life. 

Here is where the I totally believe in positive thinking and positive attitude.  There is no time for pessimism and negativity. It is such a waste of my precious time while here on earth.  

Embracing these lessons can only help to improve the way you handle situations and relationships both personally and professionally. 

I have realized that if you understand why things are happening around you whether you are in control of it or not, it is with your ability to accept and grow from it.  One of life's lessons is to appreciate and enjoy being in the moment.  Life is a gift and we should to be grateful.  The days, weeks and months go by way too quickly especially as you get older.  Our lives are busy with so many different responsibilities that it becomes hard to stop what we are doing and just be.  Allowing yourself to realize the beauty that is all around you.  Your family, your friends, your animals, nature and this wonderful world we live in.

In addition, do not judge a book by it's cover. Stepping out of your comfort zone will help put things into perspective.  You may see a whole other side you never knew existed before.  Kindness and hard work does prevail. Even if in this day and age it is who you know that gets you further.  Just because you have a connection, you may just not have what it takes to get the job done.

Love makes life worth living.  Your health is your life. Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.  When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Be careful what you wish for because it just may come true.

The bottom line here is to take life with a grain of salt, throw it over your shoulder and make a wish, lol.  Enjoy all that is around you and do not take anything for granted.  Be love, give love and embrace it.  Know who you are and be the best you can be.