So many have been so encouraging to me. Telling me to get my creative juices flowing again. I want to because I do have so much to share. As I have said before, the process of putting my feelings and thoughts down and getting it on here, has become quite a therapeutic process for me. How could I ever not want to do this? Not want to share and pour my heart out ( so-to-speak). How could I go wrong? There isn't a possible way I could. When we speak from the heart, it just can't be wrong.
I have been a shy, introverted person pretty much all my life and I think that is part of what led me to keep things in. Not letting my feelings out or expressing myself. It was so much easier to just suppress it all by eating. To make me feel better, or so I thought. Keeping my thoughts and opinions to myself I guess was a great way never to be confronted or questioned by anyone. I would not have to stand up for myself then. I just always went with the flow. It was just easier to agree with someone and then move on.
This type of behavior through out time can only come back to bite you right in the ass. To always somehow make you end up looking like a fool. Becoming a doormat for someone to walk all over. Your lack of self worth is diminished. Your voice can no longer be heard because you have given it up. Figuring why should you even bother. My words and opinions don't really stand for anything. You'd just be shot down anyway.
Being a woman is something to be so proud of. Being a mother and a wife is just as important. It all stems from our strength within. Our feelings about ourselves. What we stand for and what we see when we look in that mirror. That mirror which a lot of us try so hard to avoid. We have this distorted view, picking at every little detail and what isn't good enough. I don't know about you, but I am sick of doing this to myself.
You get to a point in your life where you got to just say enough is enough. How much longer can we torment ourselves? The only person truly suffering is ourselves. So much so, that it can bring us to our lowest low. It will take that much longer and that much harder to dig out from all the bullshit we have put ourselves through.
When do we realize we want more out of life? When we get to that point where we cannot continue down that destructive path anymore. That path that leads us absolutely nowhere but in sheer misery. There is so many different answers to this question. This is just one particular example.
I feel it is so important to surround ourselves with people who truly care and love us unconditionally. Those people who want us to be the best we can be. Those who encourage us, give us guidance, and sometimes give us that needed push to get us motivated.
I am so glad that I am doing this again. It just feels so right. I want to put myself out there. I want people too know what goes through my mind. What I am feeling in my heart. It is my truth and with sharing it I can begin to heal myself. I am allowed to feel, I am allowed to speak and I am allowed to love because I can and because I choose to do so. I will not allow for all of these things to ever be taken away from me.
This brings me to a saying that a dear friend had told me a while back and I think it is quite approriate at this point. " I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROAR"
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