Our lives can be so unpredictable and you never know what may show up out of left field. It's what we do with those curve balls, or lemons I like to call it that, that show our true colors. Our perseverance to handle life's ups and downs.
To be honest, I see myself getting better in certain areas and then sometimes I can lose it. I have been doing a lot of reading as far as "Self Improvement" and reading a lot of different inspirational quotes. So many of them have such meaning to me. I am discovering a whole new world that I never realized existed before. Mainly because I was just wrapped up in my own whirlwind. A big part of it being, that I hated to read. I never took the time out to just stop and listen. Understand and comprehend. This had always been an issue for me since back in elementary school. The thought of reading anything was such a chore.
As you get older though, new life's experiences, different people we meet that come into our lives, begin to have a real impact on our way of thinking. We kind of come into our own, so to speak. And with that, we start to realize what we see, what we choose to believe, what we stand for and how we treat others.
But you never know, life is not always what we hope for it to be. As time has gone on, I also realize that we are the creators of our own destiny. We are in that driver's seat and we are in control. We shall not blame others for the situations we are in. I am here today knowing I have steered myself down some wrong paths and some right ones too. What I have also learned is not to punish myself for those that were not in my best interest. We cannot be strong all the time, every time in every situation. How unrealistic to believe this. The important thing is to learn from our mistakes, and next time think before we proceed.
Then there is the other end of the spectrum where so many of us worry about things for which we have no control over. This type of behavior can manifest itself into someone who may be down and out, experiencing serious depression and their inner strength may be lost. How do we show those people and make them understand that need not carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. So much so that it has completely paralyzed them. Those lemons which I described above are huge monstrous boulders for them. They are slowly being crushed and suffocated and feel there is no way out.
WE must be present in life, knowing we are all children of God and he is in all of us. We look to him for our strength, we cry to him and pray. Whether it may be the smallest of the small to the biggest and most grandest of situations. There has got to be a way for those who are their lowest low to have the ability one day to stand tall and believe they are going to be okay. And with help and guidance, they can get to that point where they can take those lemons that were thrown at them and know makes some lemonade. :o)
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