Trying to find and create me

Trying to find and create me

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Are we able to create our future? **OR** Do you want to know your future and what lies ahead?

Are we able to create our future in such a way that we will be able to have things already planned out?  If we start creating and imagining these thoughts in our head that we know can guide us in the direction we want to go, is it possible?  As that saying goes " Who knows what the future holds", it makes me wonder if there is a way to gain that control so we know what can exist for us.

In this day, we all try to plan for our future in such a way that we start or already have been for a while, putting away money.  Making some investments that are long term so we can only hope they pay out for us in the end.  The end meaning at that time of retirement.  That time of actually being able to enjoy life.  No schedules to follow, no alarms ringing at 5:20 every morning and no deadlines to meet.  Ahhhh, sounds like heaven to me.  I am sure for you as well.

As I get older I am telling myself to start putting some money away from each paycheck.  Stop buying the unnecessary items that I really don't need.  Start saving for my son's future.  College fund, car fund, and whatever else he made need.  It is so hard to regimented to the fact that before I know it my son will be 18, graduating from High School and then what.  Of course, my main goal for him is to want to strive and be the best he can be.  Go to College and get those degrees for which he knows he can achieve.

I have mixed emotions about either wanting to know and being able to create my future and the unknown.  Putting it all in God's Hands.  I think it's less stressful to not know what lies ahead and just taking it all in one day at a time.  As each new day comes, it is filled with lots of new experiences, lessons to be learned, and some for which we know that day is over and let's move on. 

This is such a very broad topic that can go in so many different angles.  The initial question posed, " Are we able to create our future?" can be rephrased in a lot of ways.  As you see I have added or posed the question in a different way.  I guess it all depends on the person and how they interpret it.  Sometimes I just get to thinking about these particular questions and want to put it out there for all of you to internalize and really think about how you feel.

I would really love for all of you who are reading this blog to let me know your thoughts, feelings and really being able to answer in your own heart of hearts the main question above.  Because, we have to look at it in all aspects, the good and the bad.  Do we want to know when our last day on earth is going to be?  If, as we get older we are inflicted with some disease whether it be life threatening or many years of treatments and medical care, do we really want to know that is what the future holds for us?  It can be very scary when you really think about it.

I have taken this particular blog all over and rightfully so, due to the fact these questions have an infinite amount of answers.  Or for some it can be cut and dry.  Please go ahead and share.  Your comments are very helpful to me and can maybe create another topic for discussion.  Let's be a part of this together!!

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