Trying to find and create me

Trying to find and create me

Monday, September 26, 2011

You are not alone

photo by:everafterglow
I wanted to write about how at times in our lives what we are going through whether it be emotional, physical, mental stresses or any other particular situations, WE ARE NEVER ALONE.

I know in my own particular case of my weight issues, or self sabotage, or insecurities and lack of self confidence and self esteem, we all have experienced these in our own ways.  When I had written my previous blogs about these topics, I did get some feedback.  It was so touching and wonderful.  To hear from either someone close to me or someone who just so happened to read it on Facebook. They would say thank you for sharing. Or I have been experiencing the same things as you.  How rewarding it was to be able to reach out to others. For them to be pulled into my heartfelt words.  To understand what I was trying to convey.  I realized I had accomplished what I had set out to do.  To touch someone.  Just one person who could feel what I was expressing.

That is all I wanted and it seems to be working.  It goes to show You are not alone in this at all.  I now see that for myself.  I used to think that what I was personally experiencing, thinking and feeling in my life was my issues, my crazy mind, my own insecurities.  How comforting to know I am not alone in this. 

Whether it be relationships with friends, family, spouses or our workplace environment,  and any other significant factor(s) in this equation,  we have all experienced our ups and downs.  It is not easy by any means.  Who said it would be anyway?

What is so truly important is to know that we have others who we can turn to for help, guidance, a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold.  Whether it be another family member, close friend, therapist or whomever you feel most comfortable sharing with. 

I find myself rekindling old friendships, finding new ones and further deepening current ones.  I have to contribute this to Facebook.  For whom I would have never found the many near and dear people I hold so close.  In addition, starting up friendships again after 30 years plus.  It is amazing with technology today, we are able to stay in touch with so many people.  This is also another proven way that YOU are not alone in this.  You'd be surprised that once you get to know all those awesome new faces out there, that they maybe experiencing the same or something similar to what you are going through. It sure is a crazy world.  But how boring it would be if it weren't.  So predictable, so mundane and unentertaining.

Life will continue to throw us all for a loop sometimes, it is in our power to change it, turn things around; get out of that crazy whirlwind which can sometimes lead us into a downward spiral of our everyday lives. 

I offer you my shoulder for you to cry on, my hand for to hold yours, my friendship and my love. Remember, YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS!!!!   

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