Trying to find and create me

Trying to find and create me

Friday, May 27, 2011

Realizing I want to be more

I am constantly thinking to myself that there is so much more for me out there.  I have allowed myself to be open to all that is good and positive.  Giving me the powerful energy that I feel today.  I have been sharing my blog entries with many wonderful people on Facebook in hopes that I can pass along my positivity. To be able to express myself in this way has been such an awesome and eye opening experience.

I love not being afraid to allow myself to be open, honest and truthful with my feelings and innermost thoughts.  My blogs have become such a therapeutic way of expression. I never really realized how many people I would touch with my personal experiences and thoughts about life.  At times you may feel you are the only one experiencing what you may be going through.  But once it has been put out there for people to see you then realize you are not alone.  

I stand here today finding this strength within that I never knew was in me.  How empowering it is to know that you can do, say and achieve anything you put your mind and heart to.  The possibilities are endless. I am so thankful for finally realizing that I am ME, Laura.  A beautiful and loving woman with many wonderful qualities.  With so much to share and love to give.  To be a positive light and hopefully an inspiration to many  women.

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