Trying to find and create me

Trying to find and create me

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Accepting of your evolving self

I wanted to share something that I found that so deeply moved me.  Something that I had been feeling( in the first paragraph) and did not know how to express it.  I found this wonderful page on Facebook called GAIA HEALING.  From what I have read so far, I feel like these messages are there purposefully for me to discover and connect with. This again is just another extraordinary way of the MAGNETIC POWER OF THE UNIVERSE.

~ Acceptance of your evolving self ~

As we grow spiritually we may feel that we are changing.
We may feel that we are becoming a different person and sometimes we begin to feel aloneness within our journey.

Remember how you walk your journey ~ is the journey.

If you journey standing in your own Light - with faith in who you are and what you are becoming - then you will draw people to you - for they will feel the gentleness of your energy and the brightness of your Light.
If you close down the brightness of your Light - because you are concerned about your new differences - then people will not feel connection to you - and you will feel alone.

When you close down your own Light because you feel different - you miss opportunities for connection.

The truth is that you are never alone.

There is always an over abundant flow of Divine Love and Light around you.
This flow of Light is the flow of Light that is around every single being on this planet.
Connection is all around us - waiting for us to accept it into our being.

In the learning of faith in self - we must come back to the knowing of self and the complete faith in our journey and who we are becoming.
When we come back to this feeling - our heart is opened fully and our Light is able to shine brightly and freely.
When we live like this - this is when our Light can touch another's heart.

Think of how young children are in the world.
They are not concerned with how other people perceive them.
Their Light is still so bright that external ego energies cannot come to them and change their focus.

They do not think about differences - they really do not see differences.
They see life and they take it by the scruff of the neck and live it.
They are abundant in living and being - because there have no barrier to being all that they can be in life.

Remember how it feels to be in the presence of a child living life? ~ Freely giggling, dancing and singing.
To watch them you feel their Light - it is radiant, infective, addictive - it is magnificent!
This is self faith in action. 
This is allowing all of your Light to shine in connection to all on this planet ~ with no barriers to all that you are.
This is allowing your self to shine.

When you can walk in the world in self faith - then you walk like a shining sun among everyone.
The Light you radiate will be felt - and people will benefit from this gift.

The most important gift you can give to another is acceptance.
But to give another unconditional acceptance - you first have to give yourself the same gift.

~ Blessings ~
Gaia Healing

1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of how we are born without limiting beliefs such as something is wrong with me or not good enough or unlovability We are born with I have worth and I have value That is what we loose as we grown Rebirthing I think is going back to the sense of worthiness Cool article Jean
